Over 10 years we have been helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Apphiaknob is a value-driven SEO agency.


Words are a powerful force of human expression and are the primary source of meaning that search engines use. They can affect the choices of individuals and help distinguish pages of content that are thriving on page 1 or content that suffocates dust on page 3.


Each of Kabod's writers has storytelling at the core. However, they're also digitally-savvy business marketers who have years of expertise in writing expertly on topics ranging from specific B2B sectors to the broad B2C industries. We are able to take the voice of your brand - or help you discover it.


Before anyone purchases your products and services, they have to buy your brand's story first.Web-based content that is well written and engaging sells your services, as well as your credibility and values to prospective customers world wide


We are able to create appealing content that resonates with your intended audience and is highly ranked on search engines when you use targeted terms.from blog articles to videos scripts informational graphics, white papers web copy, and much many more, good written content drives all we produce at Kabod.

The Way Kabods’s Content Writing Services Work.

We are a full-service , digital marketing agency that understands the importance of quality content for your marketing plan.

Our expert team of writers is educated on the latest SEO techniques, AP style, and research best practices to make sure that every piece of content we create is of the highest quality and delivers the results you want.

If you choose to work with Kabod you will work with an experienced SEO Content writer (or writers, based on the needs of your business) who will become familiar with your company, its brand, and the target market. Your writer will collaborate in conjunction with your Content Marketing Strategist (CMS) and the project manager to make sure that every content piece of asset is consistent and integrates strategically within your marketing plan.

Integrate your brand’s business and marketing objectives by working with our SEO editors, marketing and editorial experts to give your marketing machine the right content to yield tangible results for your business.

Take a look at our writing services for content:.

Blog Posts

The majority of B2B or B2C content marketers are in agreement: Blog content is the most efficient form of content to build brand recognition.

The distinction between great content and outstanding content comes from a group of skilled writers equipped with information taken from Google Analytics, SEMrush and other platforms. Content designed for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be described as the result of skilled scribes taking the tips from content marketing strategists and weaving the insights in blog articles that are in-line with the brand as well as on-point, which ultimately puts them on the first page of Google.

We can provide blogs in the form of short-form posts or news articles. Additionally, we create long-form content that exhibits an innovative approach to thinking and entices readers with relatable stories. Whatever the case our original content that we create is always thoroughly researched written, optimized and well-written to fulfill the searcher’s needs and increase your visibility on the internet.

White Papers

If the purpose of blogs is to entice readers to engage in deeper conversations white papers are an example of engagement. Over half of content marketers rely on white papers to generate leads. These are the most common inbound marketing tools that highlight industry expertise and thought-leadership in a polished piece of work.

When someone offers an email address to get an article it’s a sign that they trust your knowledge enough to share their email address in exchange for a quality piece of content. Don’t disappoint them.

Each white paper should be meticulously researched and expertly created. Kabod’s writers possess the ability to research, expertise in data gathering, specific industry knowledge, and experience in business writing to represent the expertise of your company. Our team can also speak with your subject matter experts from within to ensure your brand’s voice is heard, and to highlight the most crucial aspects of the subject that is at hand.


A Kabod eBook is the perfect product between our graphic and editorial teams. The images are created to draw the attention of readers, yet they could be written with the exact competence and expertise as a white paper.

Each eBook we create includes only enough text on each page to convey a message without overloading readers. This allows us to incorporate design elements to be in harmony with the text However, it also means that each word must be counted. There is no word that’s inappropriate for the topic.

Our writers collaborate directly alongside your team of marketing professionals to brainstorm eBook topics, then create an outline, and write the text on each page keeping words efficient along with visual aids to keep in your mind. The result is a visually stunning mid- to a deep-funnel product that gives guidance, and thought-leadership to your potential customers.


More than 80% of internet users browse pages in search of specific details. That means that the majority of content on any page is simply filler to provide important details.

Infographic writing summarises that crucial information in concise bullet points, which contain fast-moving facts, quotes, and other statistics. The information is then visually presented using graphs, graphic design, and illustrations.

A key part of writing professional content requires knowing when you need to display the appropriate amount of restraint. Concision is essential in information graphics copy. Kabod’s writers are experienced researchers who know how to collaborate with designers in order to make clear, visually appealing infographic diagrams.

After they have been formatted, you are able to embed infographics within blog posts, or even use them as mid-funnel assets to help your marketing plan.

Case Studies

Case studies are the cornerstone of any strategy for marketing content, and a major component of our services for creating content. It’s your method of turning happy customers into brand ambassadors. The leaders expect you to brag about your company. However, when they hear your customers praising you it truly resonates.

The case study: 68% of B2B marketing influencers believe that cases studies constitute the best and most reliable kind in marketing assets.

Kabod’s writers are skilled and they know how to craft a narrative that places the reader in the position of the main character. They’re experienced interviewers who draw quotes from case study topics. They can also create transcripts from them in order to meet the tighter deadline.

In addition, they’re natural storytellers, who skillfully weave the advantages of competing and benefits of your services and products into a compelling narrative. With our help from content writers, they can help your customers make the case for your brand to prospects in deep funnels who are beginning to show the desire to purchase.

Website Copy

In contrast to your most recent blog article or the latest social media posts, the landing pages are not updated. The content you write is in the center of your website. Anyone who visits your homepage or the about pages, pages on products and services, and so on will be able to see it.

Your content must be clear, concise, and optimized for keywords with high value. No Pressure.

Writing SEO-friendly website content is half science and half art.

The scientific part is the process of creating Search Performance Briefs, our unique approach to SEO content writing that eliminates the guesswork of the process of ranking for commercial, competitive keywords.

The art of it is utilizing the insights from these briefs and turning on secondary keywords and subjects to create SEO-friendly content that’s easy to find yet truly reflects your company’s worth positioning.

It’s a big task. About three quarters of all businesses have trouble with optimizing their landing pages – however, we are not the website content writers. The editorial, advisory, and technical teams work together on landing page projects to create fully optimized web copy regardless of whether it’s landing-page content for your latest white paper or material for a complete site revamp.

Email Copy and Newsletters

Marketing via email yields $44 per $1 of marketing on average.

Making this investment pay off is dependent on a solid email marketing plan that includes blog posts as well as conversion landing pages and gated content that is designed to grow the email lists of your customers. But, to be successful in email marketing, you must have appealing subject lines, as well as punchy copy that draws subscribers to your emails to click your call to take action.

Kabod copywriters are aware that less is better in emails. We create newsletters that highlight your blog content. We design one-off lead-nurture emails that promote your most recent ebook and white papers. We also create end-to-end emails drip campaigns with the assistance of your personal strategy for content marketing.

If it’s email content creation, we do it. Engage recipients by using simple, conversational, or memorable English.


They are copywriters as well. They can create high-quality content that informs, stimulates, and entertains. They also are aware of when to deploy direct advertising and marketing strategy.

Calls to action embedded into blog posts, display ads, text advertisements, banner ads paid search results and social media posts. conversion instructions on blogs and websites, asset landing pages, and brochures are just a few instances of copywriting our wordsmiths have experience in writing.

There’s a time and location for an action-oriented, terse language. Our writers are adept at employing that language in the right place and in the right way, at the right time.

%97 of businesses say video helped people understand their offering.

Video and Animation Scripts

Video content makes up nearly 80 percent of all web traffic. For marketers, a well-crafted video could be extremely effective 97% of companies claim that video content helps users understand the products they offer. Many details can be communicated in a brief, engaging video.

Before the cameras, the lights, and the action is a script. Kabod‘s content authors are experienced scriptwriters who are able to write content that can be used for the voiceover or reading of live presenters. These include scripts for animated whiteboard videos, explainer videos as well as video testimonials and blogs.

A well-written script can set the stage for a whole video project. It also offers guidelines to video editors and animators during post-production when they are bringing the written words to life.

Custom Content

In virtually every strategy for marketing content, it is necessary to write customized content that doesn’t fit within the scope of the traditional writing services for articles.

If it’s content and you need to write it Our expert writers are able and willing to do it:

  • Guest posts are published in trade magazines.
  • Slide decks and Webinars are displayed at conferences in the industry.
  • Flyers and brochures to distribute at corporate events and conferences.
  • One-pagers to take at sales events.
  • Executive briefs to present original research and product descriptions. LinkedIn reports speeches for social occasions Corporate training materials, and much more.

If there’s content to be written, we’ll create it. If we write it down, it will do what you want it to.


content WRITING

If You Can Dream It,
We Can Write & Rank It

Our approach to Content Writing and SEO is uniquely built around what we know works…and what we know doesn’t work. With over 200 verified factors in play within Google’s search algorithm, most agencies will rely on old tactics that no longer work, or guess with new tactics that they hope will stick.

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